We follow the teaching and learning sequence designed by the accredited DfE scheme ‘Floppy’s Phonics’.
This is a progressive and cumulative programme of teaching of the alphabetic code.
We teach:
Sounding out and blending for reading
Identifying sounds in words and matching to letters for spelling
Letter formation for handwriting
These are the building blocks needed for early learning and which provide the foundation for all reading and writing within English and across the wider curriculum.
All EYFS and KS1 classrooms will display the Floppy's Phonics alphabetic code as well as the Floppy's Phonics sound posters and friezes appropriate to learning.
Click on the boxes below for more information about phonics in EYFS and reception
Children begin by using their phonic learning to read fully decodable Floppy’s Phonic books, eventually leading into to our follow-on reading scheme ‘Oxford Reading Tree’, which includes highly decodable books initially and leads to wider reading of real texts in KS2.
Teaching and learning of spelling continues on from Floppy’s Phonics, using the KS2 spelling system from Oak Academy – see attached curriculum map for details.
CLICK HERE for key vocabulary related to phonics teaching.
In Key Stage 2, your child will be expected to spell the following words. They will become familiar with them over the course of their time in Years 3 to 6 and may bring them home to rehearse and learn at home.
Click here for strategies to help your child learn their spellings.
Reception children were very lucky to have some of their parents join them during their Phonics Learning. Parents were able to gain an understanding of how we teach Phonics and how to support their children at home. Parents were able to gain an insight into learning in the classroom by seeing their children during a Phonics lesson and join in with some fun Phonics activities! We really appreciate parents and carers for taking time out of their morning to share in our learning.