Subject Leader
Mrs A Brasier-Creagh
Colourful Semantics
Colourful Semantics is a Speech and Language therapy intervention programme developed by a speech and language therapist called Alison Bryan. In the programme, she used colour to highlight the semantic (meaning) within sentences. This intervention uses colour coded cards to help children learn the important elements of a sentence and how to join them together in the correct order.
At Elston Hall we are have recently introduced Colourful Semantics throughout the school in all areas of the curriculum but primarily for teaching writing.

Pupil Voice
Hover over the text to stop it scrolling.
Writing in Nursery and Reception

Fine Motor Control

Writing in Year 1
Year 1 have been using colourful semantics to retell a story and write a recount.

Year 4 Creative Workshop at the Girls' High School
We analysed an author's language choices in a poem and then used colour synonyms and descriptive language to create our own short poem to fit our artwork. We enjoyed discussing using metaphors to build up negative and positive effects, and how repetition can build an image in the reader's head and the impact of our words.

Listen to our Poems
"The children were fantastic, so enthusiastic, hardworking and polite - a real pleasure to work with and an utter credit to your school. We hope you liked the ready-made display that we sent back to school with them! "
Gemma from the Girl's High