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​Writing Subject Leader - Mrs A Brasier-Creagh
Reading Subject Leader - Mrs A Handley

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We chose to watch the brand new animated film, "Kensuke's Kingdom" based on the book by Michael Morpurgo.

Year 5 enjoyed reading this last year as our class reader, and linked it to our learning in Writing, Reading and Topic so Year 4 invited them to join us.

The children loved the film, with many of them noticing differences in plot between the book and the film and discussing the key characters. We enjoyed the animation and the build up of the story between Michael and Kensuke. 


"Miss, I didn't like it...I LOVED it!"

"That was so good - I loved watching it come to life"

"It was so emotional at the end. It was sad and happy all at the same time"


Year 4 can't wait to start our English work next week linked to the topic.

Cinema Visit Nov 24

Year 4 wrote powerful, effective speeches for our Trust Olympics Closing Ceremony!

Phonics and Spelling

Spoken Language

If I work hard in English, I could become...
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