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Tuesday 17th December 2024

Reception children had a magical time at Statfold Barn Railway on Friday. They took a ride on a steam train, posted a letter to Santa, visited Mrs Claus' bakery to decorate gingerbread and then had lots of fun on the old fairground rides before dancing in the 'snow'. The fun didn't stop there.... Children also had a great time in Toby's toy barn before visiting Father Christmas! A wonderful day was had by all! 

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Really interactive workshop. I enjoyed being

able to find out how to do different activities

at home. 

                                                       Adam's mum                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Rception Art Gallery - Starry Night

Reception children have been learning about Vincent van Gogh and have enjoyed looking at his artwork, particularly his Starry Night art. Children worked collaboratively to create a large class Starry Night and then children created their own Starry Night artwork. 

Our Teachers

Miss C Burns

      Teacher -Reception            EYFS Phase Leader

Year Lead

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Mrs J Dell

Teacher - Reception


Miss S Hyde

Teacher - Reception

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Miss L Maguire

Teacher - Reception

Assistant Headteacher

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Miss Y Dyke

Teacher - Reception


Learning Support Staff

Miss S Caine, Mrs G Jones and Mrs A Bish

Welcome to Reception

We hope that you and your children are well and we would like to welcome everyone back after the Christmas break.


Children had a very busy term settling into their learning, building new friendships and developing new skills. We are certain that the Spring term will be filled with just as much fun and learning where your children will continue to thrive and make progress. Learning will continue to take place in small groups indoors with daily opportunities for outdoor learning.

Please can you send your child with a named water bottle, that they can refill and use in school. We ask that it is not metal please, as these can be heavy. Water bottles should be filled with water only.


We are continuing with our thematic approach to learning through our Dimensions curriculum. This allows all children to make connections between the 7 Areas of Learning within the EYFS curriculum and consolidate their skills. This term, our topics will be ‘Help is at Hand!’ and ‘Animal Crackers’.

PSHEe, R.E and Music will be taught discreetly.





Our PE sessions will continue every Monday and Thursday. Don’t forget children are required to wear their PE kit to school on the day they have PE (uniform guidelines are available on the school website). Please ensure you are following our schools’ uniform and PE uniform policy.


As always please can you ensure that all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name. We also ask that no jewellery should be worn with the exception of stud earrings only. However, in line with health and safety guidelines no earrings are to be worn on PE days.

Wild Tribe

Children are thoroughly enjoying their ‘Wild Tribe’ sessions. There has also been a slight timetable change to our ‘Wild Tribe’ session. 


Class 1 – Friday            Class 2 – Tuesday                   Class 3 – Wednesday


Please can we remind you that children should arrive at school in their uniform with their outdoor learning clothes in a bag. Please ensure the children have appropriate clothing as we will be outdoors for most of the afternoon (wellies, waterproof trousers/jackets, gloves, hats, scarves).

Our ‘Wild Tribe’ sessions allow the children the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical hands-on experiences. These experiences will build self-esteem and independence through exploring and experiencing the natural world.




The Phonics scheme, Floppy’s Phonics, will continue to be an important part of our daily learning and multiple opportunities will be available throughout the day for children to practise and apply their learning.

As always, children will be expected to read regularly at home, we suggest a minimum of 2-3 times per week and we kindly ask that reading packs are made available in children’s book bags every day.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, who will usually be available at the end of each day. We anticipate a busy and exciting term ahead and we thank you in anticipation of your continued support.



             Class 1                                            Class 2                                     Class 3

     Miss Maguire/Mrs Dell                   Miss Hyde                           Miss Burns/Miss Dyke


Learning Support

Mrs Jones           Mrs Bish        Miss Caine        

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the green label on the post to see more news

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