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Year 4 have really enjoyed their Art focus, as part of their Law and Order topic. We started with exploring line and tone, and exploring how Van Gogh uses them. Then we used Big Ben as our inspiration to research and practise in our sketchbooks… 

Then, we evaluated our work and produced a more focused piece showing line and tone with our sketching pencils.

Art Day

Our Teachers
Alison BC.jpg

Mrs  A Brasier-Creagh

Teacher - Year 4, Trust Teacher Development Leader 

Year Leader

Class 14

Mrs Lavill.jpg

Mrs L Lavill

Teacher - Year 4

Class 14


Miss J Saunders

Teacher - Year 4

Class 13


Mrs B Westwood

Teacher - Year 4

Class 15 

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome back to the new school year; we hope the children are well and are looking forward to Year 4 at Elston Hall. It is lovely to welcome the new classes back to school, and settle them into their learning.  


The Autumn term is always a busy time for children in Year 4 with lots of new learning taking place. English and Mathematics will continue to be taught daily and focus on key writing skills and mathematical calculations. Times tables are a very important focus this year and we would ask you to support your child with this regularly.  Please encourage your child to learn and revisit times tables they are struggling with, as this knowledge aids so much of their learning in maths. There will be a strong emphasis on recalling times tables up to 12 x 12 as children in Year 4 will be taking take part in the National Multiplication Test later on in the year. More information will be provided in a meeting this term – details to follow soon.


Year 4 will continue to teach our daily maths lessons using the Maths Mastery approach. This has been very successful this year, helping children make rapid improvement in understanding key concepts in Maths and extending their skills in reasoning and problem solving. We look forward to your children beginning work on this in September.


Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle, that they can refill with water and use in school. We ask that it is not metal please, as these can be heavy. We will continue with morning toast up until close of register and should you wish, children can continue bring a piece of fruit to school for their morning snack. Milk letters will also come out shortly.


For more information about our learning this term see the Curriculum Overview.


This year we are continuing with our exciting, thematic approach, allowing children to make connections between areas of learning and consolidate skills. All the themes chosen deliver the programmes of study for the National Curriculum and this term our first topic this term will be “Lightning Speed”. Our History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology and Computing work will all be linked to this topic. 

MFL, R.E and Science will be taught discreetly. In our Science work, we will be studying “Electricity”, followed by “Sound”.   


Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days. Children may be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions. Please ensure that children have their PE kit on, for their PE days shown.


Year 4  PE sessions are: Wednesday and Friday.



As you may know, children in Year Four have the opportunity to take part in a wonderful three-day residential in Conwy, Wales from Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st May 2025.  There will be further information and a parents’ meeting about this in early October.


Children in Year 4 receive regular homework each fortnight: purple creative homework books will continue and phonic spellings will be given out each week and tested on the following week. Reading books will need to be brought to school each day please, and taken home each night, and we continue to ask for at least one journal to be completed each week. Times table homework may also be given, as needed. 


We anticipate a busy and exciting term ahead and we thank you in anticipation of your continued support. We look forward to working with you over the next year, to ensure your children have a pleasurable and valuable year. Year 4 is a very important year. If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us, as you play a vital role in your child’s education.  


Mrs A Brasier-Creagh(Known as Mrs BC)/Mrs L Lavill          

Class 14

Miss J Saunders                   Mrs B Westwood

Class 13                                 Class 15


Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the green label on the post to see more news

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