Issue 7 - Autumn 2024
Proud to be ELSTON! Empowered, Listeners, Successful, Together, Open-Minded, Nurturing
Dear families,
This will be the final Newsletter of the Autumn term!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the past term. It has been wonderful to see so many of you over the past two days during EYFS and Year 5/6 performances...looking forward to seeing more of you next week as Years 1/2 and Years 3/4 perform!
This week we enjoyed Christmas jumper day and a delicious Christmas lunch! Cook served up around 500 Christmas dinners - thank you to all staff who helped make the day a success!
A reminder that next week, we will have a whole school theme based on The Snowman! Children will complete work across the week based on the story/film. On Friday 20th December, children are invited to come into school in their favourite pyjamas and we will watch the film with hot chocolate and biscuits. We'll also be taking part in a singalong led by the Music School Hub.
On Thursday 19th December, our Choir will be performing some Christmas songs at the end of the school day on the KS2 playground to raise money for school. This will be from 3.10pm and parents are invited to watch. Buckets will be held for donations.Â
Mrs Humpherson is taking on a new role within the Trust after Christmas which means that she will complete her final week teaching at Elston Hall next week after 27 years at Elston Hall! We will miss her but wish her every success in her new challenge. Mrs Dean will return from maternity leave next week - we look forward to welcoming her back to school! Mrs Dean will take on Mrs Humpherson's teaching responsibility in Class 6 alongside Mrs Gratton. We have also welcomed Miss Darlington, a new Teaching Assistant, who has been working between Years 5 and 6.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and a very lovely Christmas.
A reminder that Monday 6th January is an INSET day and school is closed to pupils. We look forward to welcoming pupils back on Tuesday 7th January.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Miss E Foster
We track attendance weekly and monitor any pupils falling below 96%. School attendance remained at 95.4%. This is slightly above the most recent national average published (95.3% - 22.11.24). We'd love to see our attendance increase above 96%. Well done to Year 4 who have the highest attendance so far! Years 6 attendance improved - well done!
Please could we remind families to inform school of any absences before 9am. Please call 01902 558866. If you are calling before 8am, please leave a voicemail and this will be picked up and reasons for absence recorded on Arbor. Families can now also email to report any absences. Families may now also report absences on the Arbor app!
If your child has a medical appointment, please bring them to school before and after wherever possible.
Year group  | Up to 5.12.24 |
Whole School (Without Reception) | 95.4% |
Reception  | 94.2% |
Year 1  | 95.4% |
Year 2  | 95.6% |
Year 3  | 94.3% |
Year 4  | 96.5% |
Year 5  | 95.3% |
Year 6  | 95.1% |
Mayor's Christmas Party
On Wednesday 11th December, we were very excited for Elston Hall to be invited to join the Mayor of Wolverhampton at her Christmas party. It was tricky to choose just six pupils to join us, but they represented Elston beautifully and had a wonderful afternoon meeting both the Mayor and a special guest! Thanks to all involved for our special  invitation. We had a fabulous time.Â
Cricket Sessions
Thank you to Kieran at Staffordshire Cricket who has been delivering cricket sessions across KS2 this half term. Children in Y3 and Y4 have enjoyed weekly 'Chance To Shine' cricket sessions.Â
Our Y5/6 girls have also thoroughly enjoyed their after school club too. Some children across KS2 also tried some table cricket sessions which the children also enjoyed. All sessions (including after school club) have now finished.Â
Twenty-two children represented us a the Sportshall Athletics finals. We are so proud to announce that they finished in 1st place, finishing 46 points clear of second place. Brilliant team effort all round!
Reverse Advent Calendar
This Christmas, School Council pupils have organised for us to support The Well - a Wolverhampton charity which provides food parcels for people in need.
Thank you to everyone who sent items in as part of their Reverse Advent Calendar campaign!
Each class has collected items in a box. next week, it will all be collected and donated to those in need.
My Story Corner
Our reading ambassadors have been busy giving out copies of 'My Story Corner' magazine which is a free magazine to promote a love of reading. These have been sent to Y3 and Y4 initially and other issues will be sent to classes later in the year. Parents can also download copies of this via the Bookmark reading website.Â
Reception admissions September 2025
The online portal for applications opened on November 12th. All applications are to be made online using the online application system
All applications must be made by the deadline of 15th January 2025.
Support for parents/carers who are making applications is available through the Admissions and Appeals Section. Parents should contact the team on 01902 551122 or by email at  Â
National offer day is 16 April 2025 when the parents will be notified of their allocation via e-mail if they applied online, letters will also be sent second class posted on 16 April 2025.
WOW - Walk to School Badges
Thanks to everyone for continuing to provide opportunities for your children to come to school in an active way! In November we awarded 407 WOW badges!
Spring term clubs
Spring term clubs will be invite-only for selected sporting clubs and boosters for Year 6 and EYFS/KS1. Summer term clubs will return to normal when pupils can apply to take part in a broader range of clubs.
Spring term assemblies
Next term, our PSHE focus will be Living in the Wider World. Children will learn about managing money, e-Safety and careers. We would love to welcome visitors in to talk about their jobs in assemblies! If any parents/family members have a job which they would be happy to talk about, please email Miss Foster via the office email address We would be particularly interested in jobs related to public services, NHS, hospitality, STEM, the Armed Forces or trades/business.
Key Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Monday 16th December - Year 1 Christmas Performances 9:15 & 13:30, Year 2 10:15 & 14:30
Tuesday 17th December - Year 3 Christmas Performances 9:15 & 13:30, Year 4 10:15 & 14:30. KS1 Craft Fayre after school.
Friday 20th December - Snowman Day - come to school in pyjamas
Monday 23rd December—Friday 3rd January—Christmas break
Spring term 2025
Monday 6th January —INSET DAY - School Closed
Tuesday 7th January - Pupils return to school
Monday 17th February—Friday 21st February—Half term
Monday 24th February—INSET DAY—School closed to pupils
Monday 14th April—Friday 25th April—Easter break
Summer term 2025
Monday 28th April —Pupils return to schoolÂ
Monday 12th May—Thursday 15th May—Year 6 SATs
Monday 26th May—Friday 30th May—Half term
Monday 2nd June—Friday 6th June - Year 4 Multiplication Checks
Monday 9th June—Friday 13th June - Year 1 Phonics screening and Year 4 Multiplication Checks
Friday 20th June—INSET day—School closed to pupils
Friday 18th July—Last day of summer termÂ
Community Links
Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together
Yo! Christmas events
The Yo! Wolves Christmas HAF programme is open for booking from Monday 2 December. Offering hundreds of activities, events and food for the city’s children and young people and their families during the festive school holidays.
Running from Monday 23 December to Friday 3 January, all activities are fully funded and will include a meal.
The holiday activities are free for all children and young people of school age receiving benefit related school meals, and with SEND or EHCP. The activities include arts, crafts, fun days out, dance and drama workshops, photography and much more. Booking places is easy at
Adult Education Wolverhampton – January open days
Make this the year you join us for success, enjoyment and a path to further study, employment, a new job, a promotion or better health and well-being.
We have open days on:
Date: Wednesday 15 January 2025 Time: 10.00am – 1.00 pm
Date: Thursday 16 January 20-25 Time: 4.00 pm – 7.00 pmÂ
Get in touch to find out more or join us on one of these days and start your learning journey with us this New Year.